Saturday, September 13, 2008


I've updated the “Recently Read” sidebar. If you have an interest in mountaineering, Fallen Giants is worthwhile, although it has less technical analysis about the progress of high-altitude climbing than I'd like, it gets a bit repetitive, and its view of contemporary climbing is too predictable (all about the evil offspring of commerce and self-actualization). Traffic is a lot of fun, and very helpful to those who seethe about the cluelessness of other drivers (you know who you are!). The Lightness of Being could have done with a better editor — some repetitions, unflagged forward references, missing definitions — but it's really stimulating at the LHC opens up for business.

I'm close to finishing Haruki Murakami's memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, which I'm loving although I'm not a runner. He teaches without preaching about focus, endurance, limitations, and aging.

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